SISA Phoenix 2021 Ambassadors Lead Environmental Initiative with Tree Planting Event

Abuja– Last week, the Search Inwards Social Ambassadors (SISA) Phoenix 2021 ambassadors spearheaded a tree planting event in commemoration of World Environment Day. The event, a remarkable celebration, featured activities such as environmental awareness sessions, tree planting, hiking, and refreshing moments.

Participants engaged in insightful discussions about the environment, emphasizing the importance of tree planting in the face of climate change. The gathering aimed to inspire a proactive approach towards environmental preservation, considering the alarming transformation threatening habitats and contributing to the extinction of numerous species.

In light of these environmental challenges, the organizers posed a thought-provoking question to attendees: “Have you ever planted a tree?” Those who had were encouraged to reflect on their contributions, while others were urged to consider taking part in the collective effort to combat climate change.

The event underscored the urgency of environmental action, as climate change continues to impact ecosystems worldwide. Many species face the risk of extinction, underscoring the need for immediate and widespread intervention.

The call to action resonated strongly: “What are you going to do about it? Join us in changing our environment. Plant a tree today.”

The event concluded on June 10, 2021, leaving a lasting impact on participants and inspiring a commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.

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