SISA Emerald Ambassadors Transform GDSS Maitunbi, Minna, Breaking Education Myths

In a compelling event that unfolded within the halls of GDSS Maitunbi in Minna, SISA Emerald of Minna, Niger state, took the spotlight, dispelling the pervasive notion that ‘School na scam.’ Armed with passion in their voices and Pidgin English as their medium, the ambassadors embarked on a mission to enlighten and inspire young minds about the myriad benefits of higher education. ✨

During this impactful session, students were exposed to the vast possibilities that higher education offers, including career opportunities, upward mobility, liberation from the chains of poverty, and a shield against ignorance. These valuable insights were shared with enthusiasm, aiming to reshape perspectives on education.

The ambassadors’ visit went beyond the conventional boundaries of knowledge sharing; it stood as a testament to selflessness and sacrifice. Choosing GDSS Maitunbi, the ambassadors demonstrated a genuine commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of these students.

This transformative visit encourages students to break barriers, embrace education, and actively participate in rewriting their own futures. The SISA Emerald Ambassadors have left an enduring mark on GDSS Maitunbi, inspiring a renewed sense of hope and ambition among the student body.

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