20 Things Everyone Needs To Know About The Anthrax Disease

The Nigerian Federal Government has confirmed one case of Anthrax disease in a mixed livestock farm in Niger State. This marks the first reported animal case in Nigeria since the West Africa outbreak began in Ghana in June 2023. The government is currently conducting further investigations to determine the source of the infection and its spread to other farms and humans.It has been determined through a risk assessment conducted by the human health sector that there is a high likelihood of an anthrax disease outbreak in the country. The potential impact on humans is also considered to be high.Here are some important points to be aware of regarding this disease, which affects both humans and animals:1. Anthrax is a severe disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. It can affect various animals, including livestock such as cows, pigs, camels, sheep, and goats, as well as wild animals. The bacteria, which exist as spores, can be found in the soil, wool, or hair of infected animals.2. Anthrax spores are highly resistant to extreme conditions and can survive in the soil or environment for many years, making disease control and eradication challenging. The spores can resurface due to wet weather, deep digging, or when ingested by grazing livestock or wild animals.3. Anthrax can affect humans through skin infection (direct contact with infected animals through wounds or cuts), gastrointestinal infection (consumption of raw or undercooked meat from infected animals or their products, including milk), and inhalation (breathing in the spores).4. In animals, anthrax can cause symptoms such as high fever, weakness, loss of appetite, bleeding from various body openings, swelling, difficulty in breathing, and bloody diarrhea. Most cases result in sudden death. Blood from an animal with anthrax does not clot upon slaughter, and there may be marked bloating and rapid decay.5. In humans, anthrax can cause fever, painless skin sores with a black center that develop after blisters, general body weakness, and difficulty in breathing. It can also lead to severe digestive illness resembling food poisoning.6. Individuals at risk of contracting anthrax include veterinarians, veterinary laboratory workers, farmers, abattoir workers, butchers, cattle rearers, livestock producers and traders, wildlife handlers, hunters, park rangers, processors, importers, exporters of hide and skin, and animal health workers. Consuming animals found dead, healthcare workers, diagnostic laboratory workers, caregivers exposed to patients or their biological specimens, law enforcement officers, and travelers visiting locations with confirmed anthrax cases are also at risk.7. Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure for anthrax in livestock.8. Ensuring a clean and safe water supply for livestock and avoiding water from stagnant sources is essential.9. Biosecurity measures, such as controlling farm access, restricting animal movement, and disinfecting vehicles and equipment entering and leaving premises, should be practiced.10. Sick animals should be isolated, and strict quarantine measures should be implemented to prevent the spread of anthrax to other animals or humans.11. Extra caution should be exercised when purchasing cows, camels, sheep, goats, and other livestock from Nigerian states bordering Benin, Chad, and Niger, as well as from Ghana and Togo via waterways.12. Animals, particularly cattle, sheep, and goats, should not be slaughtered at home. Instead, abattoirs or slaughter slabs should be used.13. Avoid contact with meat/bush meat or animal by-products, such as skin, hides (ponmo), and milk, from sick or dead animals.14. Slaughtering sick animals should be avoided, as it poses a significant exposure risk of inhaling the bacteria for humans present at the time.15. Do not consume products from sick or dead animals.16. Before slaughter, carefully observe livestock for signs of ill health if they are intended for consumption or sale.17. If you suspect exposure to anthrax in yourself or an animal, seek immediate medical care or contact the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hotline at +234 811 097 2378 or the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention hotline at 6232.18. Doctors have various treatment options for anthrax patients, including antibiotics and antitoxins. Severe cases may require hospitalization, aggressive treatment, and assistance with breathing through mechanical ventilation.

Source: Punch

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